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Apollo Hospitals' founder Prathap C. Reddy on why India needs a holistic outlook towards healthcare

Apollo Hospitals' founder Prathap C. Reddy on why India needs a holistic outlook towards healthcare

The next five years are going to be crucial. India needs to transcend not just its present limitations in healthcare but embrace a vision for holistic well-being of its citizens

The next five years are going to be crucial. India needs to transcend not just its present limitations in healthcare but embrace a vision for holistic well-being of its citizens The next five years are going to be crucial. India needs to transcend not just its present limitations in healthcare but embrace a vision for holistic well-being of its citizens

As we stand at the threshold of a new era, the potential for transformative change in India is both palpable and promising. The next five years present a critical window of opportunity for our nation to shape its trajectory, and central to this vision must be the prioritisation of healthcare. As Chairman of Apollo Hospitals, I see a vision that extends beyond healthcare to encompass holistic well-being and progress.

The trajectory of life expectancy in India from the 1960s to 2013 has undergone a remarkable transformation. Currently, an 80-year-old patient grappling with health issues stands a significantly improved chance of survival and a healthier life, owing to technological advancements in healthcare, the expertise of skilled clinicians, myriad therapeutic treatments and a comprehensive array of preventive health offerings and platforms.

These elements collectively contribute to ensuring a higher quality of life for individuals in the decades to come.

Healthcare Transformation

A nation’s progress is intricately linked to the health of its citizens. Therefore, a robust and inclusive healthcare system should be our foremost priority. Over the past 40 years, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have changed the world. They have become the leading cause of death and suffering in most countries, contributing to 71% of global deaths. Close to 30% of these are those between 30 and 60 years of age. Alarmingly, WHO also predicts one in four Indians has a risk of dying from an NCD before they reach the age of 70. This health crisis not only affects individuals but also poses a substantial economic burden. A World Economic Forum report estimates that India could incur a staggering cost of $4.58 trillion between 2012 and 2030 due to NCDs and mental health conditions. Preventive healthcare measures have never been more important. Prevention is not just better than cure; it is the foundation of a healthier society.

Harnessing the Power of Technology

The digital revolution is upon us, and we must harness its power to revolutionise healthcare delivery. India has taken rapid strides here and digital health is bringing healthcare within the reach of 70% of our population residing in rural and remote areas. We are positioned to not only bridge gaps in our healthcare delivery but also to have the capability to contribute to global universal health coverage goals through its telemedicine and digital health tools. Hence, increased advances in technology, and interest and activity from innovators, provides an opportunity for India to solve some of its long-existing challenges in providing appropriate healthcare to a large section of its population.

The integration of AI and machine learning can further assist in early diagnosis and personalised treatment plans. The power of digital and physical is coming together to build an efficient and impactful healthcare model. Primary care, diagnostics, secondary and tertiary care, and retail health, all linked and enabled through a dynamic integrated digital platform are pivotal to this.

India’s moonshot for health equity lies in embracing and leveraging medical technology, treatment and research. Looking ahead, the future of healthcare lies in automation, digitisation, robotics, 3D printing and in deep science, genomics and molecular biology.

Healing the World in India

The transformation of India into a hotspot for medical tourism an be traced back to the 1980s when private hospitals entered the scene, organising the healthcare market. Prior to this development, healthcare access was elusive for many. Today, India offers treatment to international patients at a mere fraction of the cost, approximately a tenth, providing access to the best doctors equipped with relevant skills and leveraging the latest technological advancements, ensuring excellent clinical outcomes.

The Indian healthcare industry is on a par with the best in the world in terms of infrastructure, technology, specialist doctors and nurses. The country has the finest and one of the largest pools of doctors of global repute and paramedics in South Asia. India’s expertise in highly specialised areas like organ transplant, cardiology, oncology, etc. has made the country a hotspot for medical value travel.

Further, to build a sustainable healthcare system, we need a strong foundation of skilled healthcare professionals. Investment in medical education and research is imperative. We must attract the brightest minds to the field of medicine, offering state-of-the-art facilities and fostering a culture of innovation. Research institutions and medical colleges should collaborate seamlessly to drive advancements in medical science and contribute to the global pool of knowledge.

In conclusion, the next five years present an unparalleled opportunity for India to redefine its healthcare landscape. By prioritising universal healthcare access, preventive measures, technological innovation, medical education, and fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors, we can pave the way for a healthier and more prosperous nation. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that a healthy India is not just a goal; it is the cornerstone of our collective well-being and prosperity.

To a flourishing nation, today and always. Here is wishing everyone good health, happiness and boundless prosperity in the New Year.


The author is Chairman & Founder of Apollo Hospitals. Views are personal

Published on: Feb 15, 2024, 5:22 PM IST